Saturday, August 05, 2006


Conceptual Initiation

There has always been a lot of secrecy and controversy surrounding secret organizations like the Rosicrucians and Freemasons. This is especially true concerning the nature of their initiations.

In a mostly illiterate world secret societies used theatrical drama and oral teaching methods to transmit advanced philosophical concepts. Many of the concepts were political dynamite and considered heresy by the church,

I will give a few examples to illustrate just what I mean.

Early Roscrucians and Freemasons believed that a mystical experience was possible for anyone. Personal contact with God or Divinity did not require the intersession of the Pope. The implication was that salvation did not require the Pope either. What was required was surrender to the Christ Spirit within our hearts. The still small voice that spoke as our conscience.

The bible is highly symbolic in nature and not to be taken literally. The world was not really created in seven days. It was a symbolism describing seven stages of creation. This conflict came to a head with the rise of evolution and Darwinism.

The early mystery schools taught reincarnation and karma. This was highly at odds with the one soul, one life, one heaven, one hell approach. We can not run from our problems because we will keep encountering them in future lifetimes. It is better to confront these painful lessons and deal with them squarely and honestly.

The Mark Master mason degree taught the importance of fraternity and helping each other. Masons were sworn to come to the assistance of a brother in need and to keep their word with each other. This was the root of doing business on a hand shake. It was a value that was once much stronger than it is today.

There is only one God or Deity and He/She has been recognized by the holy men and women of all ages and all nationalities. He/She has been known by many names under many religions but has always been the same. This means Allah, Jehovah, Goddess and others all refer to the "Grand Architect of the Universe". The guiding intelligence behind creation.

While these initiations were physical and emotional, they were at the very core conceptual and life altering. The human mind once expanded out of its narrow box can never again return to such restricted thinking. These initiations were the path to personal freedom and empowerment.

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Technorati Tags : survivalism, freedom, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Freemasons, conspiracy, opinion, mastery, alternative

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