Friday, September 29, 2006


Giving Our Power Away

Being a victim and giving our power away go hand in hand. When we blindly follow external authorities and expect them to fix our problems, we have given them power over us.

Any external authority will be destructive and restrictive. They will not have our best interests in mind. They will have their best interests in mind.

Are we to be like the soldier that murders civilians because he was ordered to or are we going to think for ourselves and act for ourselves?

There is something inside us that is weak and wants to turn power and responsibility over to external authority like the government. Each and every time we turn to an external authority we give a portion of our personal power away and become more of a victim. Each time we wait for someone to teach or empower us we loose valuable time in our lives that could be spend in active effort.

If we refused to turn our power over to external authorities and lived according to our "True Will" the world would be a much better and safer place and we would treat each other as equals.

There is an evolutionary principle at work here. It's time we asked the question of whether it is correct to artificially support actions and behaviors that left unsupported would collapse. Sometimes people need to hit bottom before things can get better for them. There needs to be an ending with closure and consequence.

To support things artificially goes against nature and sucks resources away from healthy enterprize. Why does our society feel that it is so important to take care of people that can't or won't take care of themselves? Is there a place for tough love in this confusion of co-dependancy?

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! An online rss community for free men and free women. Todays source for modern survivalism. Let freedom ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles. Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.

OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques. Empower yourself today!

OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?

OAK:Magister Templi shows how modern science and chaos theory are compatable with advanced metaphysical concepts. Science is not in conflict with paranormal and supernatural activity.

OAK:Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place!

Alligator Alley:Modern Survivalism places the ancient knowledge of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons into modern context. Universal truths can be restated many ways but remain valid.

Today's suggested survivalism site is:

Reach your ultimate physical potential with Power to the People! by Pavel Tsatsouline - A book about Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American-buy now

Alligator Alley Technorati Tags : survivalism, freedom, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Freemasons, conspiracy, opinion, mastery, alternative

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Moral Absolutes

In the gray murkiness of what is right and what is wrong, there are some absolutes a person can count on:

The importance of knowing your "True Will" and the perfection of your personal paradigm or view of reality. Each will be different from everyone elses, but will be in harmony with the universe. They represent your particular place in the universe and the reason for your existence.

All personal effort is cumulative in nature. Without personal effort we will not get anywhere. We must apply ourselves and not look to others to fulfill our needs for us.

Each of these require we be entirely honest with ourselves and with each other. We must be true to ourselves at all costs and allow others the same respect.

There are some things unconditionally bad:

Habitual dishonesty and laziness.

Destructive actions or activity intended simply to destroy without replacing what exists with something better.

Denying individual rights or controlling others simply because they are not doing what you want them to do or controlling them for the "higher good". This is especially true for laws and government authorities that try to control people through legal legislation.

This includes the use of force against individuals. The use of force is never justified except in self defense or the defense of loved ones.

Giving personal power away to some higher cause or person is never in our best interests and is never justified. Those in power will always act in their own best interest and not in ours.

Always remember we find our "True Will" by listening to our "internal authority" and not some teacher or Guru. That includes these teachings as well. They are intended to make you think and decide for yourself. They are not to be accepted blindly or followed blindly.

Anarchist World Live! Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles. Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.

OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques. Empower yourself today!

OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?

OAK:Magister Templi shows how modern science and chaos theory are compatable with advanced metaphysical concepts. Science is not in conflict with paranormal and supernatural activity.

OAK:Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place!

Alligator Alley:Modern Survivalism places the ancient knowledge of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons into modern context. Universal truths can be restated many ways but remain valid.

Today's suggested survivalism site is:

Reach your ultimate physical potential with Power to the People! by Pavel Tsatsouline - A book about Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American-buy now

Alligator Alley Technorati Tags : survivalism, freedom, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Freemasons, conspiracy, opinion, mastery, alternative

Monday, September 18, 2006


We Can't Change By Ourselves

While carving out our individual destinies it might be wise to reflect upon our present circumstances. We are where we are because of our past actions and beliefs.

In many instances we have trapped ourselves in circumstances due to past actions and there is no way out except through the experience. There might not be a "magickal" cure for our situation.

The universe has it's own momentum and seeks to keep things the way they are. It seeks to keep us right where we are, at least until the next critical point in time or crisis when it is forced to change. Combine that with our own self defeating behaviors and it is a wonder we can carve anything.

There are several ways of working around these obstacles. The first is to develop our personal power through extreme effort daily and injecting that energy into the astral during the evening as we sleep. We will notice more vivid and empowering dreams. If we are not having at least three vivid and empowering dreams a week, we are not putting out enough energy to make any difference. If our dreams are frightening or indicate loss of power we are in even greater trouble.

This acts upon the principle that we can't change without the help of external forces. If we could, we wouldn't be where we are. We use the pressure of external forces to "crack" open the walls that imprison us.

The ancient Egyptians would cut a shallow groove in lime stone and pound a dry rope into the groove. Then they would add water and force the rope to expand and split the rock. We are the rope and the intense energy we create is the water that expands until the environment around us cracks.

One of the "Grand Illusions",is that we can change through our own efforts without the use of external supports and forces. It doesn't work that way. We have the choice of picking the train we stand in front of, but it is the train that does the damage or makes the change, not us.

The astral layers expand and compress with the daily and lunar cycles. By injecting energy forcibly into the astral during the day our astral "self" inflates and takes up more astral space. As the astral layers compress they work like a giant nut cracker and break open areas in our lives by finding the weakest links.

My point is if we are not getting results quickly enough, we are not generating enough energy or we are in the wrong program. We monitor results through dream activity or the development of some special skill. Our personal development should be progressing at a pace we are satisfied with. We should be excited about weekly gains and successes.

Anarchist World Live! Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles. Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.

OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques. Empower yourself today!

OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?

OAK:Magister Templi shows how modern science and chaos theory are compatable with advanced metaphysical concepts. Science is not in conflict with paranormal and supernatural activity.

OAK:Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place!

Alligator Alley:Modern Survivalism places the ancient knowledge of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons into modern context. Universal truths can be restated many ways but remain valid.

Today's suggested survivalism site is:

Visit DragonDoor and discover the latest in non-traditional health and fitness items!

Alligator Alley Technorati Tags : survivalism, freedom, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Freemasons, conspiracy, opinion, mastery, alternative

Friday, September 15, 2006


Carving Our Destiny

We can carve our own destiny. The point of power is in the present moment but not in the way some might suppose. To live and act in the present moment is to reap the full benefits of past actions and make choices affecting our future in a positive way.

Too many people dwell on the past and spend their energy wishing things were different or like they used to be. This is a waste of precious time.

Others say, "I will write my book next year" or start exercising after the holidays. They have plan after plan but never get started because a new plan comes along and takes it's place. The net result is nothing substantial ever gets done.

Even more interesting, most people live for immediate gratification and won't put effort out for long range goals. Long range goals are simply too unreal for them. A long range goal is like an abstract thought that is too difficult to take seriously.

It is a balancing act to learn from our past and make choices affecting our future. We do this by living fully in the present moment.

It might help to realize the major events of our lives are locked into place a year ahead of time. This is a metaphysical truth. The main events of our lives are preordained, not before we were born but at least a year ahead of time.

The Akashic records are etheric in nature. They reflect things that will happen in the future and things that have happened in the past. It is possible to dream about future events that will come true.

Each year new events enter into the akashic records. They are potential events ready to manifest physically. The end point for putting new events into the akashic records is the autumn equinox of each year. This means the main events we experience were placed into the akashic record some time during the last year. There is lag time between when they enter and when they physically manifest.

Minor alterations in our physical life can be filled using the lunar cycle as well. It is important to live in harmony with both the solar and lunar cycles of nature.

Our physical body lives in the (physical) universe and our soul lives in the (astral) universe. Each universe has different rules. As physical matter gravitates toward each other in the physical universe, events gravitate toward each other in the astral universe. There are critical time periods where everything happens at once and long periods where nothing significant happens.

This is a natural phenomenon that astrology has tried to understand and master. The important point is there are periods of time that are more important than others and we must take advantage of them to be successful in life. Proper timing is the key to everything in life.

By the same token, don't attempt something when the time is wrong because the entire effort might be put at risk. Our "inner authority" will guide us into action at the proper time when we learn to listen to it. We can learn to recognise the natural closing points and opportunities that surround us by living in the present moment.

Paying attention to the natural closure points and opportunity points as they occur is what mastery of life is all about. Trying to force things at the wrong time leads to nothing but pain and heartache. If we try the entire universe works against us. If the timing is right the entire universe works with us and supports our efforts.

Anarchist World Live! Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles. Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.

OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques. Empower yourself today!

OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?

OAK:Magister Templi shows how modern science and chaos theory are compatable with advanced metaphysical concepts. Science is not in conflict with paranormal and supernatural activity.

OAK:Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place!

Alligator Alley:Modern Survivalism places the ancient knowledge of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons into modern context. Universal truths can be restated many ways but remain valid.

Today's suggested survivalism site is:

Beyond Bodybuilding is a masterplan to eliminate those cheap, cosmetic, skin-deep looks - and move to strength-from-the-inside-out. Experience a new level of confidence as your power does the talking for you.

Armed with the new knowledge Pavel gives you, you'll find yourself with the power-body of a wild animal - but the mindset of a skilled strength-scientist.

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Alligator Alley Technorati Tags : survivalism, freedom, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Freemasons, conspiracy, opinion, mastery, alternative

Monday, September 04, 2006


Our Inner Child

Our "inner child" knows how to live a balanced life. We can recapture the excitement, the adventure and the energy we had as children. This will help us live a balanced life.

There are some important differences between the child and the adult we can explore.

The excess energy children have comes into this life with them from past lives. It is energy they have earned and brought to use as they wish.

This surplus energy is used up by puberty and it's absence triggers the need for the body to produce its own energy. There is a reversal of energy flow as the child hits adolescence and the free energy is no longer available. This produces the stress and angst teenagers experience.

Producing our own energy is difficult at first and instead we get energy from other people, especially as teenagers. We hang out with people that give us the energy we require. In like manner, they get energy from us. This is mutually beneficial.

At first most of the energy comes from our parents through our genetic link. This link is an etheric link that exists throughout our lives. That is why the relationship between us and our parents is so important in modern psychology.

Of the seven types of shared energies, the chances are at least one type of energy comes naturally and easy to us. Other types comes very hard. We use our "friends" as crutches to balance our lives and provide us with those hard to get energies.

The energy cycle of relationships is like this:

1- Union- we have enough energy as children and freely give it away to others.

2- Movement-We sense our lack and move toward energy we can't produce ourselves. Not knowing where to turn, we begin to explore our environment.

3- Attraction-We are increasingly drawn toward another person and have indentified our energy goals.

4- Seduction- The other person invites us into their sphere of energy and gives us the energy we crave.

5- Entrapment-We realize the other person is feeding off our energies the same way we are feeding off theirs. We are locked in co-dependancy.

6- Exploitation- We are taken for granted as the other person gets their own energy needs met. We get less energy than we are giving out. We give less in return and take them for granted or turn to others and exploit them.

7- Loss of inocence-We have trapped ourselves in a relationship that is not healthy and we can't get out of it. Energy we can't spare is being taken from us and we are emotionally drained. At the same time we drain energy from others in a viscious cycle.

8- Join forces-We use cooperative communication and supportive effort to move toward mutual goals and needs even though the spark and the attraction are gone. We realize mutually using each other can achieve positive results even if it is not exactly what we would like.

9- The spark-A new type of attraction is born out of competency as we become successful. We no longer need the other person or their energy but choose to be with them out of friendship. We have earned the respect of our partner and in turn we respect them.

10- Realization-We understand each other as true equal partners in the giving and recieving of energy within the relationship. We realize our own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of our partner and value our relationship with each other.

Through work we train ourselves to generate the energy we need. We develop the ability to generate each energy easily and once more have a surplus of it. This is important because most of the things we lack in life are the result of not having enough energy to go out and get them. This surplus energy allows us to reclaim our "inner child".

This cycle of energy dynamics within relationships is further explored in OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance.

Anarchist World Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles. Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.

OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques. Empower yourself today!

OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?

OAK:Magister Templi shows how modern science and chaos theory are compatable with advanced metaphysical concepts. Science is not in conflict with paranormal and supernatural activity.

OAK:Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place!

Alligator Alley:Modern Survivalism places the ancient knowledge of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons into modern context. Universal truths can be restated many ways but remain valid.

Today's suggested survivalism site is:

DragonDoor is the premier Health and Fitness resource on the web! They have the World's Most Effective Methods for High Performance, Radiant Health and Peace of Mind.

Alligator Alley Technorati Tags : survivalism, freedom, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Freemasons, conspiracy, opinion, mastery, alternative

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