Monday, July 24, 2006


2-Educational Freedom

Imagine a world that is illiterate. For most of the past 2000 years education of any kind was not offered to the public. In Europe the Greek philosophers were an exception and a high point of literacy and deep thinking. Much of these concepts found their way into the Roman Republic and influenced the entire world.

Other European cultures that embraced literacy were the Irish and of course the Jews. It is interesting that both of these highly educated cultures were also highly persecuted. Apparently it is dangerous to know too much.

Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church plunged Europe into the Dark Ages and much knowledge was lost forever. It is during the rulership of the Roman Catholic Church that the story of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry begins.

But perhaps first a little insight into Christianity itself and the Old Testament that it shares with Judaism and Islam.

Our story begins in ancient Egypt with the pharoh Aknaten. This pharoh brought the concept of monotheism into the world for the first time. It was not the Jewish religion that believed this. It was the Egyptian mystery school at Heliopolis. The Jewish people were still worshiping idols such as the golden calf.

The name of the one and only true God was "Ra" and much of the surviving literature about "Ra" and his worship is very beautiful.

To make a long story short, The Jewish people were living in Egypt at this time. It was when Moses was born. The Jewish people were being persecuted and Mose's mother hid him in a basket and floated him down the Nile to where the daughter of the Pharoh found him.

This princess raised Moses as her own child and he was taught in the ancient mystery schools where he learned about monotheism and the one God. He also learned about magick and healing.

Later Moses led the Jewish people out of Egypt and into the wilderness. He went up into the mountain and came down with the 10 commandments that "Jahweh" had given him. The Jewish people were not interested and still worshiped the idol of a golden calf. The old testament tells us that this was a major turning point for the Jewish people. It was when they began to believe in the "one" God.

My point here is that both the Rosicrucians and Freemasons trace their history back to ancient Egypt and it's mystery school at Heliopolis. Freemasonry traces it through the Jewish religion as well and claims to retain the teachings of "King Solomons Temple". This is further traced through the Jewish Essene Community that was known as the "Bretheran in White" or the White Brotherhood.

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is openly Kabalistic and draws upon old testament material and Jewish mysticism. It is not considered Christian but pre-Christian. The York Rite of Freemasonry traces it's history through an Egyptian Highpriest that was converted to Christianity.

The Rosicrucians trace their own history through related channels as well as through the alchemists and early scientists and philosophers. They were also heavily influenced by Gnostic Christianity and condemned by the Roman Catholic Church.

It is important to realize that certain philosophical concepts can not be grasped without a foundation being laid. Other philosophical concepts must first be encountered and assimilated. This can only happen through the process of "Higher Education".

For most of Europe in the dark ages the Holy Roman Catholic Church was the only source of literacy unless you were rich enough to have a personal tutor. The common person was never exposed to philosophical concepts that might have made his or her life richer and more rewarding.

Instead, the external authority of the Church told them what to believe and how to live.

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