Saturday, March 18, 2006


Our Inner Child

Our "inner child" knows how to live a balanced life. We can recapture the excitement, the adventure and the energy we had as children. This will help us live a balanced life.

There are some important differences between the child and the adult we can explore.

The excess energy children have comes into this life with them from past lives. It is energy they have earned and brought to use as they wish.

This surplus energy is used up by puberty and it's absence triggers the need for the body to produce it's own energy. There is a reversal of energy flow as the child hits adolescence and the free energy is no longer available. This produces the stress and angst that teenagers experience.

Producing our own energy is difficult at first and instead we get energy from other people, especially as teenagers. We hang out with people that give us the energy we require. In like manner, they get energy from us they require. This is mutually beneficial.

At first most of the energy comes from our parents through our genetic link This link is an etheric link that exists throughout our lives. That is why the relationship between us and our parents is so important in modern psychology.

Of the seven types of shared energies, the chances are that at least one type of energy comes naturally and easy to us. Other types comes very hard. We use our "friends" as crutches to balance our lives and provide us with those hard to get energies.

The energy cycle of relationships is like this:

1- Union- we have enough energy as children and freely give it away to others.

2- Movement-We sense our lack and move toward energy we can't produce ourselves. Not knowing where to turn, we begin to explore our environment.

3- Attraction-We are increasingly drawn toward another person and have indentified our energy goals.

4- Seduction- The other person invites us into their sphere of energy and gives us the energy we crave.

5- Entrapment-We realize the other person is feeding off our energies the same way we are feeding off theirs. We are locked in co-dependancy.

6- Exploitation- We are taken for granted as the other person gets their own energy needs met. We get less energy than we are giving out. We give less in return and take them for granted or turn to others and exploit them.

7- Loss of inocence-We have trapped ourselves in a relationship that is not healthy and we can't get out of it. Energy we can't spare is being taken from us and we are emotionally drained. At the same time we drain energy from others in a viscious cycle.

8- Join forces-We use cooperative communication and supportive effort to move toward mutual goals and needs even though the spark and the attraction are gone. We realize mutually using each other can achieve positive results even if it is not exactly what we would like.

9- The spark-A new type of attraction is born out of competency as we become successful. We no longer need the other person or their energy but choose to be with them out of friendship. We have earned the respect of our partner and in turn we respect them.

10- Realization-We understand each other as true equal partners in the giving and recieving of energy within the relationship. We realize our own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of our partner and value our relationship with each other.

Through work we train ourselves to generate the energy we need. We develop the ability to generate each energy easily and once more have a surplus of it. This is important because most of the things we lack in life are the result of not having enough energy to go out and get them. This surplus energy allows us to reclaim our "inner child".

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