Saturday, March 11, 2006


Internal Authority vs. External Authority

The 1st concept to discuss is that anyone and everyone has it within themselves to find happiness by fullfilling their own individual needs. This means you are competent to fill your own needs and I am competent to fill my own needs. The spark of the divine is within our hearts and can guide us in the fulfillment of our needs if we will listen to it.

This spark of the divine has been called the Christ Spirit, God/dess of our hearts, the Master Within, our conscience or even the still small voice. It is an internal authority and not an external authority. The true path to mystic power and enlightenment is when we follow our "inner authority" above all others.

This inner authority knows and understands our "True Will" and reason for living in this lifetime. By being free to act according to our own true nature we will do what is best for ourselves and by doing the best for ourselve, we will at the same time benefit the rest of humanity. In becoming who we are truely meant to be, the entire world benefits. There is no need to conform to the demands of any "external authority".

We must be free to act according to our own nature. Turning to an external authority such as government or religion or the law to solve our problems and fulfill our needs will never work. We can't allow ourselves to be forced or intimidated by any external authority.

We must remain true to our own "Inner Self" at all cost. We must not give our power away to others. This is what it means to be an Anarchistic Knight. We have each made a personal choice to follow our own "inner authority" above all others.

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