Friday, March 31, 2006


Giving Our Power Away

Being a victim and giving our power away go hand in hand. When we blindly follow external authorities and expect them to fix our problems, we have given them power over us.

Any external authority will be destructive and restrictive. They will not have our best interests in mind. They will have their best interests in mind.

Are we to be like the soldier that murders civilians because he was ordered to or are we going to think for ourselves and act for ourselves?

There is something inside us that is weak and wants to turn power and responsibility over to external authority like the government. Each and every time we turn to an external authority we give a portion of our personal power away and become more of a victim. Each time we wait for someone to teach or empower us we loose valuable time in our lives that could be spend in active effort.

If we refused to turn our power over to external authorities and lived according to our "True Will" the world would be a much better and safer place and we would treat each other as equals.

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